Friday, March 28, 2008

My base stats

I have been telling my guild mates to put all their base stats into damage.
I have all my base stats in damage (minus a few ignorant early levels).
Here are the reasons :

1. Attack items are generally cheaper than damage items. It is much easier to make up for lack of attack, and much cheaper also.
2. Berserk buff works on base stats. This means I will never need Rage buff to get the same buffing effect as those who split their stats between attack and damage. I use the Berserk buff when I am low on damage.
3. And when I am absolutely low on attack and cannot find gears to compensate, dark curse is a great buff that comes in handy.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The value of Doubler

So recently, I have questioned myself, what is the value of doubler? A 3x doubler allows you to kill a creature using 3x the amount of stamina, gain 3x the experience, 3x the gold. If you lost the battle, you lose only 1x the amount of stamina, the xp and gold lost are also not multiplied.

For those using the 'suicidal' style, where one only has attack and damage, no armor and defense, then effectively, you have lowered the death rate by 3x.

For those using crystalline items, the loss in durability is not multiplied, so again, you gain an effectively level 70 unbreakable spell.

On top of that, it is like walking into a room with 3 times the amount of creatures. But what do you gain in having 3 times the amount of creatures? Can it be measured? Well, that answer depends on the average creature you see in a room to begin with. So, if you see 2 creatures in a room on average, you would normall use 3 stamina (1 to walk into the room, 2 to kill each of these 2 creatures) for killing 2 creatures. Now, you use 7 stamina (1 to walk into the room, 6 to kill each of those 2 creatures with 3x doubler) for killing 6 creatures. Your effectiveness went from 2/3 to 6/7. That's a 29% increase (((6/7)/(2/3))-1). Again, all these depends on average number of creatures in each room, as well as the level of the doubler, so below is a short reference table :

Average \ Doubler 2 3 4 5
0.2 71% 125% 167% 200%
0.4 56% 91% 115% 133%
0.6 45% 71% 88% 100%
0.8 38% 59% 71% 80%
1.0 33% 50% 60% 67%
1.2 29% 43% 52% 57%
1.4 26% 38% 45% 50%
1.6 24% 34% 41% 44%
1.8 22% 31% 37% 40%
2.0 20% 29% 33% 36%
2.2 19% 26% 31% 33%
2.4 17% 24% 28% 31%
2.6 16% 23% 26% 29%
2.8 15% 21% 25% 27%
3.0 14% 20% 23% 25%

So as expected, the doubler is more valuable when the average number of creature is less. The gains from higher level doubler is diminishing, as expected.

I used to keep a list of doubler buffers here, but this tool by Fallen Empire is doing a far better job in updating buffer list :

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Stats needed for beginners

So, there was a walkthrough for beginners. But everyone's equipment differs. So what are the stats that can let you do 1-hit kills, so that you can level up quickly?

[Level 1] Native - Attack 3, Damage 8, Armor 3/Defense 3
[Level 1] Lost Sheep - Attack 6, Damage 6, Armor 2/Defense 9
[Level 1] Rat - Attack 2, Damage 4, Armor 2/Defense 2
[Level 2] Ragdoll Thief - Attack 10, Damage 17, Armor 4/Defense 3
[Level 2] Scorpion - Attack 5, Damage 11, Armor 4/Defense 5
[Level 2] Zombie - Attack 9, Damage 13, Armor 4/Defense 4
[Level 3] Ogre - Attack 7, Damage 21, Armor 6/Defense 10
[Level 3] Snow Leopard - Attack 9, Damage 19, Armor 8/Defense 12
[Level 3] Troll - Attack 7, Damage 22, Armor 3/Defense 10
[Level 4] Goblin - Attack 7, Damage 26, Armor 7/Defense 14
[Level 4] Skeletal Mage - Attack 12, Damage 28, Armor 9/Defense 9
[Level 4] Skeleton - Attack 9, Damage 29, Armor 7/Defense 7
[Level 4] Lesser Goblin Shaman - Attack 10, Damage 20, Armor 6/Defense 15
[Level 4] Vampire - Attack 10, Damage 24, Armor 7/Defense 15
[Level 5] Succubus - Attack 14, Damage 36, Armor 14/Defense 15
[Level 6] Desert Snake - Attack 17, Damage 43, Armor 23/Defense 24
[Level 8] Sand Golem - Attack 42, Damage 46, Armor 28/Defense 27
[Level 8] Djinn - Attack 33, Damage 50, Armor 18/Defense 23
[Level 9] Shambler - Attack 34, Damage 50, Armor 33/Defense 27
[Level 10] Ice Witch - Attack 36, Damage 70, Armor 26/Defense 41
[Level 10] Rock Golem - Attack 39, Damage 49, Armor 39/Defense 26
[Level 11] Serpentine - Attack 35, Damage 75, Armor 31/Defense 34
[Level 11] Nomad Warrior - Attack 31, Damage 81, Armor 47/Defense 39
[Level 12] Nomad Magi - Attack 39, Damage 80, Armor 39/Defense 38
[Level 13] Valsar Vampire Overlord - Attack 41, Damage 136, Armor 34/Defense 34
[Level 13] Vampire Lord - Attack 34, Damage 86, Armor 33/Defense 55
[Level 14] Slime Golem - Attack 28, Damage 140, Armor 25/Defense 81
[Level 14] Fire Snake - Attack 46, Damage 75, Armor 45/Defense 67
[Level 15] Fire Imp - Attack 30, Damage 104, Armor 56/Defense 36
[Level 16] Fire Golem - Attack 35, Damage 63, Armor 67/Defense 70
[Level 16] Goblin Mage - Attack 56, Damage 108, Armor 47/Defense 67
[Level 18] Orc Warrior - Attack 55, Damage 112, Armor 56/Defense 59
[Level 18] Lesser Fire Demon - Attack 45, Damage 102, Armor 64/Defense 68
[Level 19] Skeletal Ice Mage - Attack 67, Damage 101, Armor 62/Defense 51
[Level 19] Abomination - Attack 57, Damage 116, Armor 56/Defense 56
[Level 19] Orc Brute - Attack 67, Damage 126, Armor 65/Defense 65
[Level 20] Wild Cat - Attack 45, Damage 143, Armor 20/Defense 113
[Level 21] Raptor - Attack 36, Damage 191, Armor 19/Defense 136
[Level 22] Fell Demon - Attack 60, Damage 128, Armor 65/Defense 68
[Level 23] Demonic Frog - Attack 114, Damage 109, Armor 52/Defense 72
[Level 24] Nightshade - Attack 60, Damage 129, Armor 69/Defense 50
[Level 25] Ramdal Stalker - Attack 93, Damage 113, Armor 39/Defense 67

You may be better off fighting creatures a level below if you do not meet the requirements to do a one-hit kill.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

My Thoughts on Buffs

When I first started, I play all my stamina every hour. However, after I learn about buffs, I realize this game is not about playing every hour. Buffs, also called skills, require stamina to cast, but they can help you gain XP faster. So when should you buff?

Let's take an example when you have 120 stamina (so you can use 100 stamina). Adept Learner at skill level 100 lets you gain 20% more xp. So if you cast it, you only have 90 stamina remaining to kill creatures. But the 20% gain means you'd get xp equivalent of 1.2 * 90 = 108 stamina. Therefore you should cast the adept learner. Librarian at skill level lets you gain 10% more xp statistically. So after casting the Adept Learner, if you cast Librarian, you'd have 80 stamina remaining. But now, you get 30% more xp. But 1.3 * 80 = 104, so you are better off casting only Adept Learner.

What if you don't have the buff, or that your skill level is low?
There are many players selling buffs. Those you see advertizing in the shoutbox are usually very expensive. Those players are out there to make a profit, so as to justify the fsp used to advertize their shop in the shoutbox.
However, there are may players offering value buffs.
Nicram Duel (link was also given in my first blog post) has this post documenting value buffers :

Think of it this way : Are you willing to spend (5k) to gain 26% more xp (example for Adept Learner level 130)? If the answer is yes, then go ahead and buy the buffs. Next, is probably Libarian, are you willing to spend (5k) to gain 13% more xp (example for Librarian level 130)?

Treasure Hunter is another common buff, and its value is even easier to measure. Above, you're trading gold for xp. But Treasure Hunter is trading gold for gold. First you have to have an estimate of how much gold you are making. A level 25 typically makes about 10000 gold (assuming you do a 1-hit kill), when using 500 stamina. Treasure hunter gives you 20% more gold. So a treasure hunter is worth about 1700 gold. If you can get a buff for that price, you will break even. If it cost more than that, you are better off not buying it. At level 50, you get about twice as much gold, and the break even value for that buff is about twice that also, so you will be willing to spend 3400 gold on a Treasure Hunter buff.

Note, all the above also points to not using all your stamina immediately, but saving and then getting buffed and using it all at once.

When getting free buffs from guildmates, the buffs are free to you, but they cost your guildmates stamina. So please be considerate, and use it well. I am usually very upset when I buff my guildmates and they leave without using all their stamina.

Here is a list, not as comprehensive, but useful for starters (more as a reference fro my guildmates):

Adept Learner (AL) / Librarian (LIB)
SuperWave - (AL level 140 - FREE), (LIB level 140 - FREE)*
Niohoggr - (AL level 135 - FREE), (LIB level 135 - FREE)*
rhann123 - (AL level 130 - 2k), (LIB level 130 - 2.5k)**
lilsicko - (AL level 135 - 0.8k), (LIB level 135 - 0.8k)
Mccoyn - (AL level 130 - 1.2k), (LIB level level 110 - 1k)
kendi - (AL level 135 - 1k), (LIB level 135 - 2k)
ken88kin - (AL level 135 - 2k), (LIB level 135 - 2k)
Marbunz - (AL level 135 - 2k), (LIB level 135 - 2k)
PWIII - (AL level 135 - 2k), (LIB level 135 - 2k)****
shutuplos - (AL level 135 - 2k), (LIB level 135 - 2k)
mospeada - (AL, LIB, TH, MERCH level 124 - 7k for all)*****
bewslayer - (AL, LIB, TH, MERCH level 140 - 10k for all)

* : donations accepted
** : price reflects 1/2 price discounts for guild "A K A T S U K I", and players below level 15
*** : free for players below level 25
**** : free for players below level 20
***** : price is for guild "A K A T S U K I".

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Newbie Guide

A lot of new players join a guild asking for help. Granted that it is in the interest of the guild to help, a player should also learn to be independent. A guild (such as ours) providing 2 basic structures (Weaponsmith and Battle Totem of at least level 3 each), should provide sufficient help, at least until level 30, even if guildmates do not provide any further help.

This post by darkarchon provides a walkthrough on how one can progress from level 1 through 30, on the Frostbite set alone. If you get help beyond that Frostbite set, you should do even better.

The guide goes on to level 65, but the Girath set mentioned in the post at level 30 now cost 6 fsps (market price), and will not be easy for a level 30 to accumulate. Perhaps at that time of posting, it was not that expensive.

So moving on from level 30, you may want to learn to plan your own equipment. If you have been following the guide above, all your level upstats (or at least 90% I hope), should go to damage. But how do you plan your equipment? What attack, armor, damage is needed?

maegglin posted this

In summary, these are what you need (according to his post).
1. Armor >= Creature Damage * 1.1053
2. Attack >= Creature Defense * 1.1053
3. Damage >= Creature Armor * 1.1053 + Creature HP * 1.053

The principal is to survive occasional misses (and partly praying creature do not do piercing damage), but to 1-hit 98% of the time.

There is another thought, which is to simply have an overwhelming attack against creature defense. They never miss indicating that attack vs defense is not limited to 98% chance as discussed above. Reference players : zapwacker and Ishie (can be found in my ally list).

I have also seen other players choosing a defense style, where a high enough defense reduces the chance of creature hitting, instead of using armor to take that damage hit. This could be a better style at higher level, since creatures start to have piercing attacks at level 80s. Reference player : JoetheRat (can be found in my ally list).

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Useful Links

In this first post, I'll post the links that I use regularly.

First, this link documents (though not always accurate or complete) the quest, creatures, items, locations, realms and enhancements in the game.

I read the forum sometimes, but there are a few particular posts that I find useful.
Link to the forum :

Though the guide shows the various realms, it is not easy to visualize how they are linked.
This post is very useful in navigating between the realms in the game.
(Thank you, Mowglik).

When I first started, I have always wondered where is the best place to go train.
This post provides such a list (and there are other such lists that differ a little).
(Thank you, crace).

Finally, I also realized the importance of buffs.
Buying buffs can be expensive, but if you shop around, there are reasonable buffers.
(Thank you, NicramDuel).