Shield Strike gives a 17.5% chance of 1-hitting a 2-hit scenario.
Wither buff at level 175 gives a 35% chance, much better than Shield Strike.
Potion of Fatality gives a Wither buff at level 350, and therefore a 70% chance.
Shield Strike = 17.5%
Wither 175 = 35%
Wither 175 + Shield Strike = 46.375%
Wither 350 = 70%
Wither 350 + Shield Strike = 75.25%
If you shop for wither potions, you can usually get them below 300k (2 fsps).
For that value, using the Wither potion alone is probably greater value than Wither 175 + Shield Strike (when you consider their stam cost).
But why am I even comparing them when you can really have both?
I am seeing many players, asking for Shield Strike buffs to go with their Wither buffs, and that to me, does not make sense.
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1 comment:
It's all about stacking all the conditional 1 hit buffs you can i.e. DW, With, SK, SA, Sav, SSt, Mes Doing this can give you over an 85% chance of getting a 1 hit on a mob that w/o conditional buffs would normally take 2 hits. I've been doing this for about 200 levels with great results & highly suggest you try it if you have the opportunity to get all those buffs. This becomes more efficient the higher your max stamina is at.
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