Monday, April 26, 2010

Chests and Keys

On the home page today, Hunted Cows had this post ::

Posted: 15:49 26 Apr 2010

Chests have been hidden all over the lands, waiting to be found by you!

If you find a chest you will know as an icon will appear on the actions for location bar - so look for the chest icon.

The Chests contain various items and potions to help you on your adventures.

To open chests you find, you will need the correct key. These keys can be obtained on the Loyalty page for either Allegiance Tokens or gold.

Also, we have added 4 new medals which can be obtained by opening the chests.

~ The Fallen Sword Team

The above description is so vague, and I was annoyed when everyone who saw it just assumed that it is 'understood' and go no further in describing it. Thanks to Tru3K1ng, for his patience and clear explanation, I can put this in clear for everyone else with the same curiosity.

When you enter a room that contains a chest, it will appear in the same panel where you see creatures, relics, shops, doors to other realms. It will indicate what type of chests it is.
It does NOT say bronze, silver, gold or crystal chest.
Instead, it says (?, ?, steel or ?) chests. (Still trying to figure out the description of the other chests).
You do NOT and CANNOT pick up a chest.
Instead, you have to buy the corresponding keys (bronze, silver, gold or crystal).

Steel chest requires a gold key.
(Still trying to figure out the correspondence between chests and keys)

The keys do take up a backpack space and are bounded.
Once you have the key, you can click on the chest icon to open it, you get the items within it. Upon which the chest should disappear.

You will get a message such as this :

You opened the chest and received 1 x Armor of Astraio. This item can now be found in your mailbox!

(Thanks Darmass)


So I mentioned those keys. Those keys can be found on "Upgrades->Loyalty" page. Not exactly the page you expect to find keys. I have talked about the other 3 items on that page in my previous posts. With this new announcments, you should see 4 new items :
Bronze Key : 50
Allegiance Tokens or 250k gold.
Silver Key : 200 Allegiance Tokens or 1 mil gold.
Gold Key : 500 Allegiance Tokens or 5 mil gold.
Crystal Key : 1000 Allegiance Tokens or 10 mil gold.

For the Bronze and Silver Keys, the value of the Tokens are at 5k gold.
For the Gold and Crystal Keys, the value of the Tokens are at 10k gold.
So if you are going to use tokens for keys, start with the Gold and Crystal Keys.
If you are going to buy it with gold, start with the Bronze and Silver Keys.
But if you start comparing, 1 token = 10k gold.
150 tokens for the Potion of Intensity (25x doubler) = 1.5 mil = 11 fsps (approx).
Depending on your stam, that potion may be much more valuable.
Of course, if you have many tokens to spend, that's a different discussion. :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Alliegence Tokens

About a month ago, Hunted Cows introduced Alliegence Tokens. Everyday that you log on earns you 5 token. Every dollar you spend also earns you 20 tokens, and this dollar spent token reward was backdated. In a way, this event lets you know how much you have donated to this game.

The tokens can be exchanged for one of these 3 items :
1. Potion of Intensity (150 tokens)
2. Everlasting Potion (500 tokens)
3. Fleeting Potion (750 tokens)

Potion of Intensity
This is a 25x doubler potion. This potion has the buff level as the Enlister Potion and Santorks Stocking. Its duration is the same as the Enlister Potion, 120 mins. Santorks Stocking, which was a gift from the Cows for Christmas 2009 has a duration of only 60 mins. The value of the doubler has been discussed on my previous post. Its value depends on the amount of stam you are burning and can range from 8 to 44 fsps.

Everlasting Potion
This is a potion for the Unbreakable buff. At level 200, it makes items indestructible. This is the same effect as the Potion of Indestructibility, which was found by scavenging. However, cave creatures no longer drop those potions, and instead drop only the Potion of Resilience, which is only a level 190 buff, and items can still get damage a little. The Potion of Indestructibility is still being traded in AH at about 7 fsps. The value for this Everlasting Potion however has to be higher, since its duration is 300 mins (compared to 60 mins for Potion of Indestructibility). Depending on how long you need to hunt, its value will be from 7 to 35 fsps.

Fleeting Potion
Unlike the other 2 potions, this potion is unmatched by any other. It produces a level 1250 Lightfoot buff. This result in a 62.5% reduction in stam used on walking. For me, it is 140 steps to relic and back, 120 steps on average to get to starting realm. 60 steps per realm. I can get through 4 realms in a hunt. That means I would use about 500 steps, and will save 312.5 steps with this potion. The value of this potion to me will be 12.5 fsps. Someone burning 3 times my stam will value this more. Assuming the same 'overhead' as I, 60*12 + 140 + 120 = 980 steps, and potion will save 612.5 stam, value of 24.5 fsps. So this potion value ranges from 12 to 25 fsps.

Putting a value on these potions isn't exactly meaningful, since all these potions are bounded and cannot be traded. If you have enough tokens, you should consider getting all 3 of them for your hunts. But if you have limited tokens like I do, then the best value for the tokens will be to use it on the Potion of Intensity, since it requires fewer tokens.

Above only considers the use of potions in levelling hunts. I'll quote my guildmate's comment on the use of Fleeting Potion for titan hunting.

013L1V10N says: I just wanted to comment on your blog. The LF potion is more valuable when used tot titan hunt, or completing old quests. Best example i can give is a titan. Assume it takes 10 stam per titan kill i.e. 9 steps and 1 hit. It also takes around 150 steps to get to the realm and then you back as well as walking through one map +60. On a normal Ogalith hunt i get 250 kills, Skal 400, Fuvayua, 600. So for an Ogalith hunt 2460steps, skal 3810, Fuv 5610. Therefor LF1250 saves 61.5FSP, 95FSP, 140FSP. Of course this all depends on how much running you do as a titan hunter.